Joppa Websites, in a nutshell.

Founded in 2022 in a time of real austerity, Joppa Websites was launched to provide no-nonsense, relationship-centric marketing support for businesses. Everything is agreed up front with no hidden fees, and that’s never going to change.

One of the key drives for Joppa Websites was to always ensure open and honest dialogue with clients; not spinning sales calls around marketing jargon and unnecessary fluff. We often use a first principles approach when it comes to technical concepts, such as SEO, explaining the very fundamentals of what it is and how it can be useful for an organisation. Our founder David (right) was diagnosed with ADHD in 2021 and knows the value of keeping things clear and concise!

We have over thirty years coding experience, numerous website builds and experience working with a range of marketing clients from the local fish & chip shop through to Tesco & DHL.